My Hajj story :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dua’a at-Ta’if

Dua’a at-Ta’if- translation
“O Allah! Unto You do I complain of my weakness, of my helplessness and of my lowliness before men.  
O most Merciful of the merciful. 
O Lord of the weak and my Lord too. 
Into whose hands have you entrusted me?  Unto some far off stranger who receives me with hostility? 
Or unto a foe whom you have empowered against me? 
I care not, so long as You are not angry with me. 
But Your favouring help, that were for me the broader way and the wider scope.  
I take refuge in the light of Your countenance whereby all darknesses is illuminated and all things of this world and the next are rightly ordered, 
lest You make descend Your anger upon me or lest Your wrath beset me. 
Yet it is Yours to reproach until You are well pleased. 
There is no power and no might except through Thee.”

Dua’a at-Ta’if- transliteration
Allahuma inni ashku ilayka da'fa quwwati
wa qillata hilati wa hawani 'alan naas
ya arhamur rahimeen
annta Rabbul mustad'afeen wa anta rabbi
iliman takiluni?
illa ba'eedin yatajahhamuni?
aw li 'aduwwin mallaktahu amri?
illam yakun bika 'alay ghadabun fa la ulbaali
walakin 'aafiyatuka heya awsa'u li
a'uthu binoori wajhika allathi ashrakat lahu a thulumaat
wa salaha 'alayhi amrudunya wal akhira
min an yanzila bi ghadubak aw yahilla 'allaya sakhutak
lakal 'utbu hatta tarda
wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah al 'alyul 'atheem.

Prophet Muhammad(peace and blessings be upon him)


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  3. SAk, JAK for sharing some minor tweaks
    Dua’a at-Ta’if- transliteration
    Allahuma inni ilayka ashku da'fa quwwati
    wa qillata hilati wa hawani 'alan naas
    ya arhamur rahimeen
    annta Rabbul mustad'afeen wa anta rabbi
    ilaman takilni?
    illa ba'eedin yatajahhamuni?
    Am ila aduwwin mallaktahu amry?
    in lam yakun bika ghadabun alayy falaa ubaali
    walakin 'aafiyatuka heya awsa'u li
    a'uthu binoori wajhika allathi ashrakat lahu a thulumaat
    wa salaha 'alayhi amrudunya wal akhira
    min an yanzila bi ghadubak aw yahilla 'allaya sakhutak
    lakal 'utbu hatta tarda
    wala hawla wala quwwata illa billah al 'alyul 'atheem.
