Mawlaya salli wa salim daiman abadan My Master, send peace incessantly, forever
'ala habibika khayril khalqi kulihimi Upon Your Beloved, the best of all of creation
mawlaya salli wa salim daiman abadan My Master, send peace incessantly, forever
'ala habibika khayril khalqi kulihimi Upon Your Beloved, the best of all creation
Huwal habib He is the Beloved!
Huwal habib He is the Beloved!
Huwal habibulathi turja shafa'atuhu He is the Beloved whom we hope will grant
Ok so I'm not a pro translator lol... But I like the Arabic... If anyone can see fault in my translation feel free to correct me :) So much is lost in translation and it's worse that it's tuneless!! sigh! But I wanted to share it anyway...
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