My Hajj story :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Be and it is... *heart melt*

I went to that beloved, with my cheeks stained in tears of blood.
Signs of insanity were visible in my eyes and face. 

I had broken my chains and gone outside, 

Dragging with my feet the chains of 'BE, and it is!'

- Maulana Shaykh Jalalhudin Rumi (#1229)

my God, how amazing. subhaAllah. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

My favourite excerpt from Dalail el Khayrat

Dalail il khayrat is a compilation of praises upon the messenger Muhammad peace be upon him... This is my favourite excerpt:

The messenger of Allah peace and blessings of Allah be upon him said: 

There is not one slave that sends praises on me except that it exits from his lips hurriedly 
so that no place is left from the shores, or the oceans or the east or the west 
except that that praise goes past it and says
 "I am the salawaat of so and so son of so and so, he praised Muhammed the chosen one, best of all of Allah's creation"
 thereafter no thing remains unless it praises that person .
And created forth from that single praise is a bird which has 70,000 wings 
and on each wing 70,000 feathers 
and on each feather 70,000 faces,
 and on each face 70,000 lips 
and from each lip 70,000 tongues
 that praise Allah Most-High with 70,000 languages 
and Allah has recorded for him 
the reward of all those praises.

Allahuma sally 'ala sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala aalihi wasahbihi wasalim

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

~A thousand replies~

All night, a man called “Allah”
Until his lips 
cracked and bled.
The devil then said, “Hey! Mr Gullible!
How come you've been calling out all night
And never once heard Allah say, 
“Here, I am”?
You call out so earnestly and, in reply, what?
I’ll tell you what. Nothing!” 
The man suddenly felt empty and abandoned.
Depressed, he threw himself on the ground
And fell into a deep sleep.
In a dream, he met Abraham, who asked,
“Why are you regretting praising Allah?”

The man said, “ I called and called
But Allah never replied, “Here I am.”
Abraham explained, “Allah has said,
“Your calling my name is My reply.
Your longing for Me is My message to you.
All your attempts to reach Me
Are in reality My attempts to reach you.
Your fear and love are a noose to catch Me.
In the silence surrounding every call of “Allah”
Waits a thousand replies of “Here I am.”

~ Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi

*shoot me* that is the most beautiful thing ever. *Faints*

Monday, November 29, 2010

Beautiful haddith... *heart melt*

My rough translation *so in love!* (you have to watch the clip to hear the beauty of this haddith!!)

Starting at 1:57mins :D

The prophet peace be upon him was circling the ka'bah
and he saw an Arab circulating it and saying "Ya Kareem" O Most Generous One (ie Allah)
And so the Shafi'e (intercessor) said after him "Ya Kareem"
and so the Arab went to the Yemeni corner (of the Ka'ba) and said "Ya Kareem"
And So the Beloved said
And so the tabib (Doctor (ie Rasulullah)) said- (Oaudience!) send peace upon the Doctor 
So the Beloved said after him "Ya Kareem"
So the Arab went to the Hajar al Aswad (Black stone) and said "Ya Kareem"
So the messenger said- (O audience) send peace upon the messenger
So the beloved said- (O audience) send peace upon the Beloved 
So the Doctor said after him "Ya Kareem"
So the Arab noticed and turned towards the messenger- (O audience) send peace upon him
are you sticking to me O my Arab brother?
By Allah!
If it weren't for your beautiful face and your striking gaze I would have complained about you to my Beloved Muhammad!
So the Beloved said to him
Do you not know your messenger O my Arab brother?
he said
By Allah!
I've not seen him but I believe in him
and I've entered Mekkah and I haven't met him
So the messenger said to him
I am your messenger O my Arab brother
so the Arab man fell on the hands of the messenger and kissed it
and said
fidaka abi wa ummi ya habib Allah!!!! (may my mother and father be your ransom!!!!!) :wub:
so Jibreel the trustworthy descended to the messenger
And he said O beloved of Allah
Allah sends his salam to you
and He says to you
to tell this Arab
does he suppose that if he were to say "Ya Kareem" that we wouldn't hold him accountable?
So the arab told the messenger- (O audience) send peace upon him
O beloved of Allah!
O light of my eyes
O grandfather of the two hassans (hassanein in Arabic)
( you know al Hassan and al hussein were his grandchildren from Fatima radiyaAllahu 'anha- so we sometimes call rasulullah sallalahualayhiwasalam the grandfather of the two hassans)
if Allah is to hold me accountable then I too will hold Him accountable
So the Shafie' (intercessor) said to him and how will you hold your Lord accountable O my Arab brother?
he said if He is going to hold me accountable for my sins, I too will hold Him accountable for His Forgiveness
and if He is going to hold me accountable for my taqsini (?) I will hold him accountable for His Judih (?) and His Karam (?)
So Jibreel the Amin (trustworthy) descended upon the messenger and said O beloved of Allah
say to this Arab man that he will not hold Us accountable 
and We will not hold him accountable (ie he is forgiven of sin :) )

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

O how I love the Beloved of Allah

Lately I've been detached,,,, subhanAllah...

But i took a walk with my mum just after sunset... beautiful wind, beautiful sky, beautiful night.... and we remembered Allah and sent peace and blessings upon his beloved- the Mercy to mankind Allah bless his noble self and grant him peace.... I yearn to visit Mekkah and Medinah al Munawwarah and to just be in the same location his blessed body is in... To just be close and know that the most beautiful man to ever walk the face of the earth is close to me... To be on his home ground, the land that so many blessings took place, miracles and where the most amazing revival of spirituality happened... To walk the same earth that his blessed feet and sandals walked, the land he prostrated and prayed on... him and his beautiful companions... oh my.

I wish I was there in his presence singing salawat on him in as beautifully as I can... sending my peace and salutations to him... telling him I love him and that I'm sorry for not being better... that I will try... I wish I was just there reading and hearing about his beautiful biography... imagining his moon-lit face.... his beautiful smile... his beautiful hair, his perfected character, his humbleness, his radiance, his warm heart, his mercy. mercy upon mercy.... my mercy.... my beautiful and beloved mercy.... ya rasululllah.... May Allah shower you with peace and blessings as copiously as the rows of angels... and for every row multiplied by 1000.. times 1000.... this is my favourite salutation in Arabic... I can't translate its magnificent play on words in English... but if it's recited out loud perhaps you may how beautiful this praise is without understanding the Arabic itself....

Allahuma salli 'ala sayyidina Muhammadin 'adada sufoof il malaikati safin safa
wa'adada kuli safin, alfin alfa!

The beauty lies in the words Safin safa and alfin alfa... Saf in Arabic is row but because it is one row you put a vowel on the end to link it to the next word "safa" so it's pronounced saf"in"... I can't translate safa... it's something I can't explain in english because I didn't learn Arabic formally... but it's like saying "row by row" but because of the repetition it gives emphasis to row and gives it this grand feeling (to me anyway).... and then it says "and by each row alfin alfa"... Alf in Arabic is 1000 once again because it is one 1000 you put the vowel on the end to link it to "alfa" so it's pronounced alf"in"... the only time you would keep Saf and Alf like that is when they are at the end of  a sentence and you're stopping... You don't pronounce the vowels on the end unless your continuing... In each case we continued onto safa and alfa.... Alfin alfa= it's multiplying the 1000 by 1000 again and gives a very grand feeling... but the play on words is just magnificent to my ears!


Lol I didn't mean this to turn into a grammatical lesson.... But I hope it was a beneficial read to someone out there.. inshaAllah...

I'm happy for another translator to help me translate that beautiful salawat more poetically and properly... I do it no justice...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Song I have stuck in my head about the Beloved of Allah, Allah shower him with peace and blessings

Mawlaya salli wa salim daiman abadan     My Master, send peace incessantly, forever
'ala habibika khayril khalqi kulihimi           Upon Your Beloved, the best of all of creation
mawlaya salli wa salim daiman abadan        My Master, send peace incessantly, forever
'ala habibika khayril khalqi kulihimi             Upon Your Beloved, the best of all creation

Huwal habib                                                         He is the Beloved!
Huwal habib                                                         He is the Beloved!
Huwal habibulathi turja shafa'atuhu         He is the Beloved whom we hope will grant

Ok so I'm not a pro translator lol... But I like the Arabic... If anyone can see fault in my translation feel free to correct me :) So much is lost in translation and it's worse that it's tuneless!! sigh! But I wanted to share it anyway...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

A beautiful story about perseverance for the Mercy of the Most-Merciful...

There was a guy that killed 99 people...

So he went to a monk and asked him is there any chance my repentance can be accepted? And the monk replied, are you crazy!!!!! You killed 99 people! What an abomination! (not in those exact words...) So the man killed him... lol, that's 100.

Once again he felt bad and still sought to reconcile his actions by asking someone else... So he went to a 'alim (scholar) and asked him... Is there any chance my repentance can be accepted? I've killed 100 people... So the scholar said "Who stands between you and repentance? Go to such and such a land; there you will find a people devoted to the worship of Allah, join them in worship and do not come back to your land for it is an evil place." So he prayed his tawbah and started to travel to the neighbouring city and on the way he rested and realised he was dying...

He was so weak with the pangs of death but he mustard all the energy he had left in him and tossed his body towards the city he was going to... So down descended angels, angels of Mercy and of angels of Punishment and they disputed about who would take his soul.... The angels of Mercy said he was on his way to the new city and he had a repenting heart to Allah so we're going to take him, and the angels of Punishment said but he didn't reach the city so his tawbah isn't complete so we're going to take him...

So Allah sent another angel down to settle the dispute... He said measure the distance between him and his original city and the city he was going to whichever city he is closest to he is considered of those people...

So they measured the distance and Allah the Most-Merciful, the Oft-Forgiving, commanded the earth between the man and the new city to constrict and the earth between him and his old city to expand- He was found to be closer to the new city by the distance of a handspan! subhanAllah it was because of that final toss! And so the angels of Mercy took him..

Isn't that the most beautiful story ever? This has been worded in my own words... It's from Bukhari and Muslim... Do a google search for the original wording of the story :) Allah knows best.

The moral of the story is to strive towards Allah till our dying breath and seek His Mercy till our final ounce of energy! ya Allah!

On the authority of Anas, who said: I heard the messenger of Allah say:
Allah the Almighty has said: “O son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you for what you have done, and I shall not mind. O son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds of the sky and were you then to ask forgiveness of Me, I would forgive you. O son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to face Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as its.”

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I muslim-ified some magazine peeps lolol

Such a shame I didn't have the before photo though!

I did it with a black pen :P