We've all heard the famous haddith- paraphrased- where the sahaba were sitting around a gathering discussing which Prophet was greatest. The Messenger passed by and taught them the rank of each in the Sight of Allah.
Sayyiduna Ibrahim alayhisalam is Khalilullah- the friend of Allah
Sayyiduna Isa alayhisalam is Ruhullah wa kalimatuh- The Spirit of Allah and His Word
Sayyiduna Muhammad salallahualayhiwasalam is Habibullah- The beloved of Allah
Whatever the Messenger salallahualayhiwasalam says becomes fact and we can repeat it with so much happiness and pride and we can repeat it to people so factually without much thought. But once I was listening to a talk by Sheikh Omar Abdul Kafi and he mentioned why Sayyiduna Ibrahim alayhisalam was the friend of Allah. I don't know if this occurred to anyone else, but when he said it I was so amazed at why and so touched.
To take it back to the story of sayyiduna Ibrahim, we all know that his father used to make idols and worship them along with the whole community. He, as a very young boy, would tell them time and time again not to do that because it simply doesn't make sense that their God would be something they make with their own hands and something that can neither benefit or harm them. Without much avail, his people rejected him. I'm just trying to imagine, a young boy perhaps the age of 12 or so, telling his whole community of elders, young and old women and children to open their eyes and use their minds a bit. SubhanAllah, not only did he face rejection but he was punished by them with the consent of his own father! Imagine a father agreeing to let his community punish his own son by letting him burn in a pit of fire so big that they had to catapult him into it and they let it burn and refueled it for 40 days.
Sayyiduna Ibrahim was so brave, really, truly, as cliche as that may sound he was so rijaal at such a young age. Not only was he disinterested in what ordinary 12 year olds do, but he had such concern for his community worshiping idols when it clearly didn't make sense and he had the strength to voice his opinion over and over again, in the face of whole full-scale mass rejection. There is not one person that took heed, not one person that saw his point of view, yet he didn't feel disheartened at all nor did he feel he was in the wrong and he persisted and was so convinced he took their punishment and rejection in his stride without a single ounce of hesitance, retraction or fear! SubhanAllah.
And it was for that reason, that reason that every single person, young and old rejected him and he had no friends and not a single person by his side, that Allah Himself took him as His friend. <3 p="">